Watch MEGADETH Perform In Melbourne, Australia

March 22, 2023

Fan-filmed video of MEGADETH's March 22 concert at Margaret Court Arena in Melbourne, Australia can be seen below.

In a recent interview with Australia's Heavy, MEGADETH leader Dave Mustaine was asked how he compensates on stage for the fact that maybe he can't do some of the things that he could four decades ago. He responded: "Well, I don't really know what I cannot do that I used to do 40 years ago. I think that probably the only thing I have any difficulty doing is getting up in a certain pitch now that I've had my neck operated on and had a metal plate put into my spine because of the damage that happened to my neck.

"It's a wonder, based on everything that's happened, the guy upstairs is even letting me continue to do what I love.

"I don't wanna be a victim — I can't stand people who play the victim — so I'm not gonna give you a litany of all my injuries. But suffice to say, I feel great right now, and I don't really think there's anything that I cannot do.

"I won't jump out of an airplane anymore because of the plate in my neck. And because… you may have seen something about this, but I'm gonna be an Opa [grandfather]; my son [Justis] is gonna be a dad. I remember when I found out we were gonna have Justis, I stopped skydiving. That's one thing I don't do anymore.

"I think given what's happened to me with the stenosis and the broken neck bone, and I've got another broken bone in my back from riding horses, playing polo… 'Cause I don't know how to play polo, and for some stupid reason my wife convinced me to get out there and do it. And I ended up with a broken bone in my back. Go figure. Love makes you do some strange things, man."

Back in 2016, Mustaine addressed some of the challenges singing MEGADETH's earlier material while speaking to the Milwaukee, Wisconsin radio station 102.9 The Hog. At the time, he said: "After I had the surgery on my neck, when my neck [was] broken, I had a plate stuck in my neck and it touched my vocal box so my voice changed, and it's made it so that my voice is a little lower. And that's kind of a bummer, because a lot of songs in the past we had to just skip because the register was so high. But with working through it and exercising and practicing and warming up and stuff like that, I've been able to return a lot of my vocal range, and that's been good for us, because we've been able to have more songs [to choose from for the concert setlists]."

Last September, MEGADETH's latest album, "The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead!", debuted at the top of the charts during its first week of sales, taking the No. 3 spot on the Billboard 200 as well as number ones on Top Album Sales, Top Current Albums Sales, Top Rock & Alternative Albums, Top Rock Albums and Top Hard Rock Albums. "The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead!" was the highest-charting MEGADETH album of all time around the world, notching No. 1 In Finland, No. 2 in australia, poland, Switzerland, and Scotland, No. 3 in the U.K., and more.

MEGADETH's previous top 10 entries on the Billboard 200 were "Countdown to Extinction" (No. 2, 1992),"Youthanasia" (No. 4, 1994),"Cryptic Writings" (No. 10, 1997),"United Abominations" (No. 8, 2007),"Endgame" (No. 9, 2009),"Super Collider" (No. 6, 2013) and "Dystopia" (No. 3, 2016).

MEGADETH recently received its thirteenth Grammy nomination for "Best Metal Performance" for the song "We'll Be Back" from "The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead!".

MEGADETH won the 2017 Grammy Award for "Best Metal Performance" for the title track of the band's 2016 album "Dystopia". This marked the group's twelfth Grammy nomination in this category (including nominations in the discontinued "Best Hard Rock/Metal Performance" category).

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